There are many quality products on the market, The Fosmon 2.1Amps / 10W Dual Port USB Rapid Car Charger for Samsung Galaxy S2 - White is one that you should have. The Fosmon 2.1Amps / 10W Dual Port USB Rapid Car Charger for Samsung Galaxy S2 - White is a high quality product that everyone can invest on. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Fosmon 2.1Amps / 10W Dual Port USB Rapid Car Charger for Samsung Galaxy S2 - White Features
Read product description below before you decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Fosmon's Dual Port USB Car Charger charges your device while driving
- Easy-to-see LED confirms whether USB charger is properly connected
- Dual Port Design - 2 Ampere port for iPad and tablets and 1 Ampere port for mobile phones or other devices
- Patented circuit board design automatically switches to saver mode, so charging will automatically stop when battery is full
- Use your existing USB charging cables to charge your device - USB charging cable NOT included
This dual port USB car charger is for you to use with your car to charge your device via USB. This adapter plugs into your car's cigarette lighter jack to become a powered USB port. Use this adapter to plug up to 2 USB charging cables directly in the 12/24V lighter socket in your car or truck. It enables you to charge your device from any standard cigarette lighter in any vehicle (used together with USB charging cable, NOT included). The patented circuit board designed is to protect your gadgets from short circuits. It fits all electronic appliances that use a USB charging cable. Simply use the appropriate USB cable to receive immediate charging to your device.
NOTE: Specifications are as follows - Output: USB Port1: 5V 2A - USB Port2: 5V 1A. Recharge iPad's and Tablets on upper USB port as indicated on the charger.
Cheap Fosmon 2.1Amps / 10W Dual Port USB Rapid Car Charger for Samsung Galaxy S2 - White
Buy Fosmon 2.1Amps / 10W Dual Port USB Rapid Car Charger for Samsung Galaxy S2 - White
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Tags: Cheap Cell Phone Car Chargers, Best Price, Cell Phone Car Chargers For Sale, Best Deals, Best Cell Phone Car Chargers Reviews
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