![Foamy Lizard (TM) Travel Pack with (Hand Tested) Flat Lightning Noodle Cable USB, Wall Plug & Car Charger (Light Pink)](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ulIA33ODq4I/U3K3lJHk1MI/AAAAAAAADxM/gx5LFzyyzrk/317o7J3VlpL._SL500_.jpg)
There are many great products on the market today, The Foamy Lizard (TM) Travel Pack with (Hand Tested) Flat Lightning Noodle Cable USB, Wall Plug & Car Charger (Light Pink) is one that is worth buying. The Foamy Lizard (TM) Travel Pack with (Hand Tested) Flat Lightning Noodle Cable USB, Wall Plug & Car Charger (Light Pink) is a popular and highest rated product in the market. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Foamy Lizard (TM) Travel Pack with (Hand Tested) Flat Lightning Noodle Cable USB, Wall Plug & Car Charger (Light Pink) Features
Read product description below before you decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Colorful matching wall plug, flat charging cable and car adapter included
- Includes the Foamy Lizard (TM) brand tangle-free flat cable (iPhone not included)
- Each unit is hand tested by Foamy Lizard (TM) U.S.A. to ensure quality
- Enclosed in Foamy Lizard's (TM) easy open packaging
- Cable is compatible with iPhone 5 but incompatible on newer 5S & 5C hardware
Don't settle for the same old boring cables, car chargers and wall plugs that everyone else has. Stand out and let your style be noticed with these unique and boldly colored matching travel sets. Not only are they pretty to look at but they won't tangle easily and they're sure to make all your friends ask "Where'd you get that?" Every single Foamy Lizard (TM) brand accessory is hand tested to ensure proper function before being shipped. Please note: Is compatible with iPhone 5 but incompatible on newer 5S & 5C hardware. The color may vary ever so slightly from the image as everyone's monitor colors are calibrated differently and impossible to account for, that being said, it's sure to come darn close.
Foamy Lizard Quality GuaranteeOriginal units will be enclosed in Foamy Lizard brand packaging with inspection card.
If you receive unmarked packaging you may have purchased an untested and inferior counterfeit from an unauthorized seller.
Cheap Foamy Lizard (TM) Travel Pack with (Hand Tested) Flat Lightning Noodle Cable USB, Wall Plug & Car Charger (Light Pink)
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Tags: Cheap Cell Phone Car Chargers, Best Price, Cell Phone Car Chargers For Sale, Best Deals, Best Cell Phone Car Chargers Reviews
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