There are lots of great products on the market, The BIRUGEAR Metallic Blue 2-Port (2.1A Output 10W) USB Car Charger Adapter for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 2 and more is one that you should buy. The BIRUGEAR Metallic Blue 2-Port (2.1A Output 10W) USB Car Charger Adapter for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 2 and more is a popular and highest rated product in the market. People who have bought and used this product gave it great reviews and impressive ratings. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
BIRUGEAR Metallic Blue 2-Port (2.1A Output 10W) USB Car Charger Adapter for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 2 and more Features
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Brand New BIRUGEAR 2-Port USB Car charger
- Maximum Current Output: 2A
- NOT COMPATIBLE WITH: BlackBerry Cell Phone or Tablet / Acer Tablet / Asus Tablet / Toshiba Tablet
- Please Note: Port 1A Charge Cell Phone, MP3 Player, GPS, Smartphone, Samsung Tablet Only
- Accessory ONLY, iPhone® iPad® not included.Apple® iPod®, iPhone®, or iPad® are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. Products are Apple® compatible and not endorsed by Apple, Inc.
2-Port USB Car Charger Vehicle Power Adapter - Blue (2000mA)
Input: 12~24v DC.
Output: 5.0V / 2000mA.
Short circuit protection.
LED charging indication.
2 USB Port.
Plug never heats or overcharges the battery.
Intelligent IC chip inside recognizes a full battery and automatically switch to a saver.
Both USB ports will charge most cell phones, PDA's, smartphones, MP3 Players, GPS systems, Ebooks, but only compatible to certain tablet models. Certain devices require specific output currents in order to charge properly. Charging capability is based solely on the charging requirement of your device. Please refer to your device specifications to ensure compatibility.
USB Port label 1A able to charge following models:
Samsung Galaxy Tab series
Google Nexus Tablet
Cell Phone, PDA Phone, iPhone, MP3 Player, GPS, Ebook
USB Port label 2.1A able to charge following models:
Apple iPad 1,2,3, 4,Mini,Cell Phone,PDA Phone, iPhone, MP3 Player, GPS, Ebook(Do not charge Samsung Galaxy Tab).
Please note the Car Charger is NOT compatible to following Tablet/Cell Phone:Blackberry Cell Phone, Tablet / Acer Tablet / Asus Tablet / Toshiba Tablet
USB charging cable is not included. Please make sure to provide your own corresponding charging cable in order to charge your device.
Cheap BIRUGEAR Metallic Blue 2-Port (2.1A Output 10W) USB Car Charger Adapter for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 2 and more
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Tags: Cheap Cell Phone Car Chargers, Best Price, Cell Phone Car Chargers For Sale, Best Deals, Best Cell Phone Car Chargers Reviews
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